BONUS EPISODE – Trudi Jaye and Talia Hunter at RWA

BONUS EPISODE – Trudi Jaye and Talia Hunter at RWA

10801609_1495321070746044_455960254227184491_nThis is a special bonus episode of the SPA Girls Podcast, hosted by Trudi Jaye and Talia Hunter and recorded live at RWA in San Diego. We recorded this little snippet on our last day in an attempt to give SPA Girls listeners a sense of what it was like to attend the conference. At the start of the recording we’re joined by Allyson, a Harlequin editor that we harangued into joining us in the recording. 🙂 We talk about some of the workshops that we attended, the people we met, and what we learned while we were there. I hope you enjoy it!

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SPA Girls Podcast – EP26 – Exercise Challenge

SPA Girls Podcast – EP26 – Exercise Challenge

Self Publishing Authors PodcastThis week in episode 26 we talk about exercise! It’s a challenge episode, so we mentioned it a few weeks ago, and challenged ourselves to put more exercise into our daily routine. This is the show where we talk about what we did, how we did it, and what we learned about exercise and the writer’s mind (and body).

As a writer, you probably spend the majority of your day sitting down – and all we can say is… DON’T! The latest research shows that sitting down all day at work – even if you’re not overweight and exercise every day – can be just as detrimental to your health as eating fried food and never exercising. Listen to this episode to find out more about it, and what you can do to ensure you’re not at risk.

It is hugely important to incorporate exercise into our weekly routines and just as important to move on a regular basis throughout the day.

There was an Australian study done late 2014-2015 which stated that of people who sit for 8 -11 hours a day increase their risk of dying by 15percent. Sitting for more than eleven hours a day would make death 40 percent more likely in 3 years, compared to people who sat for fewer than 4 hours per day.

The total hours could include, work, TV, computers. reading etc

Our last challenges for ourselves were a mixed bag so we hope you fared better!

Dictation walking was a fail for Trudi as her dictation is not good and she struggled to commit the time in ‘training her dragon’.

Cheryl was the same but both are still excited about learning it, and will plug away.

After a hip operation, Wendy is back in to exercise and is doing well with her normal activities.

Trudi  – karate/yoga/walking

Wendy-  Gym/ Swimming/Biking

Cheryl – Gym/Treadmill – stretches

Shar – Walking

What exercise do you do?

Be conscious of being too sedentary

Trying not to sit down for long periods of time. Mix it up between sitting and standing.

Wendy and Trudi have a standing desk an believe this helps.

Move around once an hour to prevent muscles stiffness and RSI.

Stretch/Walk around (stretches while sitting is good too for five count and repeat five times)

Pain can come from a different source, so you need to stretch more than the immediate area.

Posture is important – draw shoulders back and suck in your tummy. Straighten up and let the blood flow. Fifteen minutes of stretching works wonders, giving you better flexibility and helping to decease injury.

Do a work place assessment.

Knees at 90 degree angles – screen at arm’s length from body are just 2 things to watch.

Get a good chair

Be more active – try a fit bit, set a timer or an alarm, or write yourself a regime that becomes second nature – whatever gets you moving.

Cheryl and Wendy have a Fit bit which monitors steps that you do every day. Being competitive it makes them strive to reach their own personal goals.

Your next challenge, and ours, is to learn a new program – like dictation, editing, Evernote, Freemind etc.

It’s very important not to put the writing above your health.



Workplace Assessment




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