SPA Girls Podcast – EP017 – Setting Goals for Success

SPA Girls Podcast – EP017 – Setting Goals for Success


Thanks for joining us for episode number seventeen! We’re at the time of the year where we like to set some goals, and we decided to sit down and discuss how we do it; things like the kind of goals we like to set, how many we set, and the what we’ve done to make our goals work for us.

It’s a great episode, even if we are a little doo-lally from being on holidays here in sunny New Zealand… 🙂

If you’ve been thinking about setting goals for your author business, now’s a perfect time to start. There’s power in writing things down, as we all know…

And don’t forget that if you want to share your goals with us, head on over to the Facebook page and let us know what they are! We can help each other keep a track of them…

Goal Setting

You need to have a vision before setting your goals. What are you trying to achieve? When you have worked out that, you can set the goals to reach your vision. It’s the bigger picture!!

Remember that everyone is different, so goal setting is personal and needs to be done in a way that works for you. Here are a few examples that the SPA Girls use.

Write your goals down and put them on the wall, or attached to mirrors so you are constantly reminded.

Write a list of goals then prioritize them, or color code them, and then transfer them to your daily calendar.

Doing a collage of your goals.

Get a goal setting book, there are plenty out there.

Set your goals with a friend, and you can be accountable to each other.

Be SMART About Your Goal Setting

SSpecific, be as specific as you can be when setting your goals. Don’t make them vague.

MMeasurable, in order to tell how well you did on achieving your goals, you need to have a way to measure them. This also helps with accountability.

 A – Achievable, make your goals achievable and something you are capable of doing. If they’re too hard, then chances are you won’t reach them. Believing is 90 percent of achieving.

R- Realistic, this also goes along with your goals being achievable. It’s about what’s realistic to you. It doesn’t matter what other writers want to accomplish. If you don’t believe you can make it happen, you won’t. So choose goals that are realistic to you.

T-Timed, setting a time limit on a goal (such as the end of 2016) is the only way you can really measure and find out how well you did with reaching it. The problem with setting a year-long goal, however, is you won’t see results right away, which could eventually make you want to quit. Remedy this by breaking down larger projects/goals into smaller goals so you can achieve little things more frequently throughout the year, and get closer to your vision.


Remember to set goals that help rather than hinder you.

Remember, goals change during the year, other factors need to be considered. Refocus, adjust, and move on.

Remember to reward yourself when you achieve your goals.

Remember to set positive and not negative goals.

Remember to set goals that you can control. Making bestseller lists is not something you can control. You cannot manipulate how many books you will sell.

Remember to reward yourself when you reach your goals, even if it’s a simple as a happy dance.

Everyone is different, so do what is right for you.

Motivation – what will drive you forward to reach your goal?





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