SPA Girls Podcast – EP303 Cleansing Your Writing Palate

Are you bored, or disheartened, with your writing? Many of us hit the wall of blahhsss or burnout. When persevering and grinding through it just doesn’t work, sometimes you really need to shake things up. From writing in a completely different genre, to rekindling your creative spark, we discuss how to cleanse your writing palate. Soon you’ll be moving from the wahs to the wahoos!

Lots of practical tips in this episode including:
-try changing things up like font, (bigger smaller)
-writing space, move around
-when you get to the saggy middle. Stop, go and write a few lines of something different. A side project, or a different genre.
-Are you over writing your current genre?
-try a side project of something different.

Are you actually bored or bored with the process? Do you need to set better goals to get you motivated?
-Changing things will help freshen your mind. LIke when we eat or do something we’ve never done before.

Writing several genres : This is not that easy, but fun. Two of the SPA Girls do it.

Are you burnt out?
-Are you making your deadlines too tight?
-Is the burnout coming from the pressure you’re putting on yourself?

If your books aren’t selling, is that the right genre for you?
It’s not good or bad to change, because things in your life change so you need to adjust and pivot too.
We all go through this in one way or another – you are not alone! Often cleansing your palate will refresh your creative and get you up and going even stronger than ever!

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Author: SPA Girls

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