SPA Girls Podcast – EP28 – Where Do Ideas Come From?

SPA GirlsThis week we thought we’d take a quick detour into ideas-land to answer the most common question that writers get – where do your ideas come from? If you’re feeling lost or lacking in inspiration, just pinch a few of our ideas for gathering new stories and get going!

This week we thought we’d take a quick detour into ideas-land to answer the most common question that writers get – where do your ideas come from? If you’re feeling lost or lacking in inspiration, just pinch a few of our ideas for gathering new stories and get going! Ideas

Trudi believes in the idea fairy, the rest of us are not convinced. So, where do they come from?

Here’s where we find inspiration to find the nugget of an idea to weave a story around:

People watching (not to be confused with stalking)

People around you can be fascinating. Why? Just take a look at a couple in a café/mall/at a party/your family/friends – what are they talking/arguing about. How do they look when they talk, or don’t talk? (body language). What about the airport? Do you feel the raw emotion in the air in the arrivals or departure gates? Imagine if that were you, or even better a character you’ve invented.

What you can hear (not to be confused with eavesdropping)

A phone conversation that you can only hear one side of. Imagine what the other person is saying to garner the reactions you’re witnessing. Listen to the tone or the language used. Are they angry, sad, happy, puzzled or asking questions?

Pay attention to what’s around you

Travel is a great source of ideas. Different cultures often have different gestures and ways of thinking. Seasons change and make the world look different. Each look can have its own story or push a story forward. How does your part of the world look? Or a part that you know something about.

Research your favorite topics

Trudi looks behind the scenes of the circus for her series. Cheryl finds hers in family. Wendy doesn’t need any. (just kidding – she has so many ideas we have to hold her back sometimes!) Shar loves researching and is a quick study of just about anything.

From books you like to read or news stories/magazines. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Movies and television – trends. Vampires, Zombies,

Fan fiction – following plot points or specific characters to lead you into a new realm.


Mash-up one idea with another from different times and see if they work together.

Push yourself outside your comfort zone, but don’t forget to look after yourself so that the creative muse is fit and healthy

Creativity prompts and reflections:

Brain FM – for concentration and creativity.

Headspace – creativity/sleep. A gym for the mind.

Remember to eat right and exercise.




Author: SPA Girls

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